Center of Excellence

Asiri Mother and Baby Care

Center of Excellence

Asiri Mother and Baby Care

"There really are places in the heart you don't even know exist until you love a child."
-Anne Lamott-

Parenthood among many things is transformative and the early stages are when the most guidance & support is needed with navigating this role, especially if it is your first time.

The Asiri Mother & Baby Care teams are well experienced in preparing mums-to-be for their delivery and being there with them and supporting them with adjusting to their new role.


Our Services & Support Programmes

  • Free Antenatal advisory programmes (see each location for specific details)   

    Asiri Antenatal Programme

    While you await the arrival of your newborn, the upcoming weeks and months while being filled with anticipation, love, and excitement will also have moments of worry and anxiety; this is normal.

    To support you during this time we have developed an organized antenatal programme aimed at giving you the guidance, comfort, and self-assurance you need as new parents.

    The goal of this programme is to give expecting parents the know-how they need to handle their pregnancy and the early stages of parenthood. The program aims to teach the expecting couple how to help one another and get through every novel experience. Additionally, the group workshops provide a cozy and supportive environment for couples going through comparable experiences to connect.

    Our antenatal programme is intended to assist you, regardless of whether you are a first-time parent or seeking a refresher course, in comprehending and appreciating the following:

    • The value of a healthy diet, regular exercise, enough sleep, and the advised rate of weight gain
    • The value of adhering to your doctor's recommendations and your suggested screening and testing schedule
    • The best ways to treat illnesses related to pregnancy, warning signs to look out for, etc.
    • Ensuring your developing child is safe by being informed about any possibly harmful medication or treatment that you may be prescribed
    • The changes you will go through, both physically and emotionally, and how to best support one another during these times
    • How to handle older children when a newborn joins the home
    • The importance of prioritising your own happiness and time off
  • Access to a multidisciplinary panel of consultants
  • Advanced diagnostic testing
  • Lactation management support (ACH only)
  • Very experienced, skilled nursing personnel
  • Pre-registration for your baby delivery
  • Dedicated coordinators
  • Exclusive Delivery Packages (see each location for specific details)
  • Modern, comfortable birthing facilities
  • Well-equipped Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) with trained staff (AMH, ACH, AHK)   

    Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

    A newborn may be brought to the NICU for specialized care for several reasons, such as surgical complications, respiratory problems, infections, or prematurity (less than 37 weeks of gestation).

    Although we understand that this is a trying time for the family, they may rest knowing that their child will receive the best neonatal care possible from our Newborn Intensive Care Unit. The unit has an abundance of experience caring for infants from abroad as well as our own from Sri Lanka.

    A group of allied health professionals, neonatologists, and neonatal nurses oversee the care of our newborn babies. Patients who require long-term or highly complex care are paired with a nurse coordinator to help with care coordination.

    Following their discharge from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit, our paediatric patients will have follow-up visits with their paediatrician or neonatologist to check on their health and address any problems. Prior to the patient departing, appointments are set up. Parents can get in touch with the NICU whenever they need advice after their baby is brought home.

  • Up-to-date theaters with modern amenities
  • Outstanding emergency care

See locations for details of antenatal programmes, baby delivery packages, contact details, etc.

Locations which offer Mother & Baby Care

Why choose an Asiri Mother & Baby Care Centre?

We have earned the trust of Sri Lankans from over thirty years in the field. It delights us to see children born at Asiri now return to have their own babies with us.

Our neonatal care is the best, which gives expecting couples the assurance of the right care for their baby in the event it is needed.

Every baby born with us receives a special gift which includes an LKR 5,000 investment in a Softlogic Invest account and a framed baby photograph.

Our coordinators will help you with picking the right Baby Delivery Package to suit your need and budget. We will do everything possible to ensure you have a stress-free, happy experience with us.

About Pregnancy

What comes next now that you are expecting?

Mothers frequently experience a sense of intuition when they are expecting. However, it is best that you use a home testing kit to confirm your pregnancy before coming in to our Laboratory for a quick urine test. After receiving your confirmation, make an appointment for your initial consultation with the obstetrician/gynaecologist of your choice.

Embrace the changes

The process that yields a new life for tomorrow is what makes pregnancy ‘nature’ at its most beautiful. While there is undoubtedly significant physical change throughout this period, it is an enriching and rewarding time that should not be viewed as an illness. Welcome the changes that are ahead of you, as joyful and optimistic expecting mothers and fathers provide their children with cozy and caring environments.

Be ready from the get-go

Every stage of pregnancy calls for some lifestyle modification, some caution, and routine tests and scans to ensure both mother & baby are in good health.
The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are known as your first trimester. During this crucial stage of your pregnancy, your baby will reach the most significant fetal development milestones. For this reason, you need to see an obstetrician within the first 8 weeks of your pregnancy.
Talk to us if you need support with booking your appointment with a specialist.

Where would you opt to deliver?

Speak with your doctor about the many delivery options available to you to choose from. Also discuss optional delivery methods and pain management.

Inspiring Stories


Inquire Now

Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will receive or return any urgent calls.

Asiri Health Network

Six internationally accredited, state-of-the-art hospitals and laboratories, committed to supporting you live your highest quality life, through the provision of leading edge, ethical healthcare solutions.


Our accreditations and awards reflect our commitment to patient safety, care and experience.