Services - Health & Wellness

Well Womens Clinic

Services - Health & Wellness

Well Womens Clinic

Be comfortable in your body

"Everybody is different, and every body is different."

- Beverly Diehl -

Unfortunately, we still live in a time where the mere word “vagina” can make us cringe in discomfort. The Asiri Well Womens Clinic is here to break down the taboos and help with the well being of your body, more specifically the safety for your vaginal and abdominal health.

Women need to become comfortable with their own anatomy and looking at their own vulva. Ignoring symptoms - such as changes in appearance, pain or irritation - can mean you might miss picking up on a skin condition, infection, or a sexually transmitted disease.

Asiri Health Network

Six internationally accreditted, state-of-the-art hospitals and laboratories, committed to supporting you live your highest quality life, through the provision of leading edge, ethical healthcare solutions.


Our accreditations and awards reflect our commitment to patient safety, care and experience.