Asiri Group

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Asiri Group

News and Events

June 6, 2024

Celebrating 15 Years of Excellence in Cardiac Care: Asiri Surgical Hospital’s Remarkable Journey

On a momentous day, Asiri Surgical Hospital proudly celebrated the 15th anniversary of its renowned Cardiac Centre, marking a significant milestone in the realm of cardiac care in Sri Lanka. Over the past decade and a half, the Cardiac Centre has emerged as a beacon of hope and healing, performing more than 7,500 open-heart surgeries and over 50,000 cath lab procedures, setting a benchmark for excellence in the healthcare industry.

The anniversary event was graced by Dr. Gayani Senanayake, the Senior Consultant Anaesthetist and Head of the Cardiology Department. In her address, Dr. Senanayake highlighted the journey of success that the Cardiac Centre has traversed, attributing the accomplishments to the unwavering dedication and expertise of the entire medical team. “Our journey has been one of relentless pursuit of excellence and compassion. As we look to the future, we are excited to embrace new innovations that will enhance our ability to serve our patients,” she said.

Dr. Vivek Gupta, who has performed the majority of open-heart surgeries at the Asiri Surgical Cardiac Centre, shared his profound experiences and reflections. “Every surgery is not just a procedure but a profound responsibility and privilege. Witnessing the transformation in patients’ lives post-surgery is immensely gratifying and reinforces our commitment to delivering the highest standards of care,” he stated.

Adding to the insightful discourse, Dr. Chamara Ratnayake, the Resident Cardiologist, discussed future endorsements and initiatives. “Our focus remains on preventive care and early diagnosis. We are continually expanding our services to include preventive cardiac clinics and rehabilitation programs, aiming to empower the community with knowledge and resources to combat cardiovascular conditions effectively,” he articulated.

The celebration was a vibrant affair, filled with performances by the dedicated staff members, reflecting the unity and collaborative spirit of the Asiri Surgical family. The event culminated in a sumptuous lunch, fostering camaraderie and celebrating the collective achievements of the team.

Asiri Surgical Hospital’s Cardiac Centre stands as a testament to the hospital’s enduring commitment to excellence in healthcare. In addition to its impressive surgical milestones, the centre actively conducts free clinics such as the Preventive Cardiac Clinic and the Cardiac Rehabilitation Clinic. These initiatives are designed to offer accessible and comprehensive cardiac care, emphasizing prevention, early intervention, and holistic rehabilitation.

Moreover, the Cardiac Centre is dedicated to raising awareness about heart diseases through various campaigns, reinforcing the importance of a heart-healthy lifestyle and regular check-ups. As Asiri Surgical Hospital looks to the future, it remains steadfast in its mission to provide unparalleled cardiac care, driven by innovation, compassion, and an unwavering dedication to improving the lives of patients.

The 15th anniversary of the Cardiac Centre is not just a celebration of past achievements but a springboard for future innovations and advancements in cardiac care. With a stellar team of cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and anaesthetists, Asiri Surgical Hospital continues to lead the way in delivering exceptional healthcare services, making a significant impact on the heart health of the community.

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Six internationally accreditted, state-of-the-art hospitals and laboratories, committed to supporting you live your highest quality life, through the provision of leading edge, ethical healthcare solutions.


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