Health Care Services

Diabetes Centre

Health Care Services

Diabetes Centre

At Asiri Central Diabetes Care, we prioritize your health and well-being. We understand the challenges and complexities that come with managing diabetes, which is why we are dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized care to meet your unique needs. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to supporting you every step of the way on your journey towards better health. With our tailored approach and state-of-the-art facilities, we can help you decrease the burden of diabetic care while empowering you to take control of your self-management. At Asiri Central, we pride ourselves on being among the best for diabetes care, where your health and satisfaction are our top priorities.

Our Services

    Diabetes Diagnostics

  • Laboratory investigations to screen for diabetes
  • Diabetes diagnosis and regular follow-up tests
  • Full screening for kidney disease

Some of our Diabetes Screening Packages include a consultation with our Clinical Psychologist for counselling if required.

    Diabetes Foot Care Clinic (Podiatry Clinic)

  • Total foot assessment for neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease: A comprehensive evaluation to detect nerve damage and circulation issues in the feet.
  • Nail clipping/Ingrown nail clipping/Corn removal: Professional services for maintaining healthy nails and addressing common foot issues like ingrown nails and corns.
  • Callosity removal: Expert removal of calluses to prevent discomfort and reduce the risk of complications for individuals with diabetes.
  • Special and customized footwear for diabetic patients: Tailored footwear solutions designed to provide optimal support and reduce the risk of foot problems in individuals living with diabetes.

    For tailored advise on nutrition for Diabetics, our Dieticians/Nutrition Physician provides,

  • Personalized meal plans tailored to diabetes management and to help control blood sugar levels effectively.
  • Education on healthy living with diabetes empowering individuals to make informed lifestyle choices.
  • Understanding diabetes, foot care, proper footwear, and insulin pen usage are essential for optimal diabetes management.

We’re committed to helping prevent full onset of diabetes and to assisting those affected by it manage the condition to live a good quality life.

The Diabetes Screening Packages we provide,

Basic Package - 1

  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • Post Prandial Blood Sugar
  • HBA 1C
  • Lipid Profile
  • SGPT
  • S.Creatinine
  • U.Microalbumin
  • Physical Examination and Report Discussion

Comprehensive Package -2

  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • Post Prandial Blood Sugar
  • HBA 1C
  • Lipid Profile
  • SGPT
  • S.Creatinine
  • U.Microalbumin
  • ECG
  • Foot Screening for Nerve & Blood Supply
  • Fundal Photography
  • Physical Examination and Report Discussion

Advanced Package - 3

  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • Post Prandial Blood Sugar
  • HBA 1C
  • Lipid Profile
  • SGPT
  • S.Creatinine
  • U.Microalbumin
  • ECG
  • TSH
  • UFR
  • Full Blood Count
  • US Abdomen
  • Eye Surgeon
  • Foot Screening for Nerve & Blood Supply
  • Fundal Photography
  • Physical Examination and Report Discussion

Full Package - 4

  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • Post Prandial Blood Sugar
  • HBA 1C
  • Lipid Profile
  • Liver Profile
  • Renal Profile
  • U.Microalbumin
  • ECG, 2D Echo & TMT
  • TSH
  • UFR
  • Full Blood Count, ESR, Iron & B12
  • PSA or CA125
  • CEA, Alfafetoprotein & CA 19.9
  • Stool FR
  • Chest X-Ray with Report
  • Eye Surgeon
  • Foot Screening for Nerve & Blood Supply
  • Fundal Photography
  • Physical Examination and Report Discussion

Hotline: +94 11 466 5500


Asiri Health Network

Six internationally accreditted, state-of-the-art hospitals and laboratories, committed to supporting you live your highest quality life, through the provision of leading edge, ethical healthcare solutions.


Our accreditations and awards reflect our commitment to patient safety, care and experience.