Health Care Services

Mobile Services

Health Care Services

Mobile Services

When you have a sick newborn baby, a child or a loved one who is immobile, getting them to a facility for laboratory tests can be as disturbing for them as it is for you. This is why we have a very flexible and competent mobile laboratory service to support you.

Our team,

  • Visits homes and Nursing Homes anywhere in Colombo
  • Visits Institutions and Organisations island-wide
  • Is available everyday (Sundays & holidays included) between 7am and 6pm
  • Can deliver your report to your doorstep (for just the transport fee)

Your report can also be downloaded from our website or Emailed to you.

We accept payment by cash, credit card, cheque or online transfer.

For inquiries, please call: Mobile no 0772092847    Land no   0114665500  ext 5841


Asiri Health Network

Six internationally accredited, state-of-the-art hospitals and laboratories, committed to supporting you live your highest quality life, through the provision of leading edge, ethical healthcare solutions.


Our accreditations and awards reflect our commitment to patient safety, care and experience.